Calcium Chloride Anhydrous

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Calcium Chloride

94% granule
for oil drilling industry and snow melt.

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Calcium Chloride

94% granule
for oil drilling industry and snow melt.

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Usage of Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC)
New Product
Mar 27. 2024

Usage of Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC)

Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) is a versatile compound with a wide range of applications across various industries. Here are some common uses:

1. **Food Industry:**
   - **Thickener and Stabilizer:** CMC is widely used as a thickening agent and stabilizer in the food industry. It can improve the texture, viscosity, and mouthfeel of a wide range of food products, including sauces, dressings, dairy products, and baked goods.
   - **Emulsifier:** CMC can also act as an emulsifier, helping to stabilize oil-in-water emulsions in products like salad dressings and ice cream.
   - **Binder:** In food processing, CMC can serve as a binder to improve the cohesion and texture of meat products, such as sausages and burgers.

2. **Pharmaceuticals:**
   - **Tablet Binder:** CMC is commonly used as a binder in pharmaceutical tablet formulations. It helps hold the ingredients together and ensures uniformity in the tablet's structure.

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The usage of Magnesium sulphate heptahydrate in Agriculture
Feb 04. 2024

The usage of Magnesium sulphate heptahydrate in Agriculture

Magnesium sulphate heptahydrate, commonly known as Epsom salt, plays a crucial role in agriculture due to its rich source of magnesium and sulfur, both essential nutrients for plant growth and development. Here are some key ways in which magnesium sulphate heptahydrate is used in agriculture:

1. **Soil Amendment:** Magnesium is a vital component of chlorophyll, the pigment responsible for photosynthesis in plants. By incorporating magnesium sulphate into the soil, farmers can correct magnesium deficiencies, ensuring healthy chlorophyll levels and optimal photosynthetic activity. This leads to improved plant vigor, enhanced growth, and increased yield.

2. **Nutrient Uptake:** Sulfur is another essential nutrient required by plants for various metabolic processes, including protein synthesis and enzyme activation. Magnesium sulphate provides a readily available source of sulfur, promoting efficient nutrient uptake and utilization by plants. This leads to improved nutrient

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Usage of Calcium chloride in Oil drilling industry
Feb 04. 2024

Usage of Calcium chloride in Oil drilling industry

Calcium chloride finds several important applications in the oil drilling industry due to its unique properties. Here are some key uses:

1. **Brine Fluid for Well Completion and Workover Operations:** Calcium chloride brines are commonly used as completion and workover fluids in oil and gas wells. These brines serve multiple purposes, including wellbore stability, clay control, and fluid loss prevention. Calcium chloride brines can withstand high temperatures and pressures encountered in deep drilling operations, making them suitable for challenging drilling environments.

2. **Fluid Loss Control:** Calcium chloride is an effective fluid loss control agent in drilling fluids. It helps to minimize fluid loss into the formation during drilling operations, thereby maintaining wellbore integrity and preventing formation damage. By forming a thin impermeable filter cake on the wellbore wall, calcium chloride helps to seal off pore spaces and reduce fluid invasion.

3. **Clay

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Synthetic Method Of Magnesium Sulphate
Nov 10. 2023

Synthetic Method Of Magnesium Sulphate

Synthetic Method Of Magnesium Sulphate

Use Sulfuric Acid: Sulfuric acid and magnesium oxide , magnesium hydroxide or
magnesium carbonate through reaction,filtration, insulation, crystallization, separation,
drying derived . The reaction equation as follows:

  1. Used Industrial recovery of sulfuric acid to produce magnesium sulfate
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Sodium Percarbonate Tablet-OXY TABLET
Oct 16. 2023

Sodium Percarbonate Tablet-OXY TABLET

Active Ingredient: Sodium Percarbonate

Applications: Fish, Shrimp, Crab, Soft-shelled turtle, Eel, Turtle, Seashell and other aquatic animals

Purity: Active Oxygen (13.0%min)

Appearance: White tablet, white column


It is a new generation of oxygen booster, green and high-efficiency. It can increase oxygen very quickly in water for aquaculture and aquarium fish.

Meanwhile, it can absorb and subside the dust and organic substances in water, and reduce ammonia nitrogen, nitrite and sulfureted hydrogen and toxin of alga in water.


Improve water environment and water quality. Promote the conversion of harmful substances in water, effectively oxidize the sediment and organic substances at the bottom of pond, and avoid nigrescence, heat and odor of sediment.

Administration: Throw it in water directly.


1.     Prevent hypoxia when air pressure is low: Use 150-300 grams per

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